My Story

A Journey of Passion, Family, and Connection

Long before I ever purchased my own camera, fresh out of high school and armed with my parent's trusty 35mm film camera (yep, that long ago), I embarked on a life-changing adventure with my best friend. Little did I know that this journey would ignite a travel bug in me that has refused to let go. My story is one of wanderlust, passion, and the enduring love for photography.

The moment I stepped off that plane, I found myself captivated by the beauty of the world around me. The landscapes and architecture I encountered were unlike anything I had ever seen. It was as if I had stumbled upon a hidden world of enchanting scenes waiting to be captured. The camera quickly became an extension of myself, a tool to encapsulate the world's beauty and share it with others.

As the years passed and my travels continued, my love for both photography and exploration deepened. It was during this time that I realized my passion for photography could be more than just a side hobby—it could become a central part of my life. Even while working full-time for a large hospital system in Houston, my heart was yearning for the click of the shutter and the thrill of capturing moments that would last a lifetime.

The Seed of a Business

Photographing only family and close friends was where it all began. Every snapshot was an opportunity to freeze time, to capture the essence of a moment and turn it into something that could be cherished forever. It was this devotion to preserving memories that nurtured the seeds of what would later become a full-blown photography business.

The transition from enthusiast to professional was not a quick one. It took time, dedication, and countless clicks of the camera to hone my skills. But with each photograph, I grew both as a photographer and as an entrepreneur. As my portfolio expanded, so did my confidence, and I was ready to share my passion with the world.

Why "Twenty-Three Photography"?

The name of my photography business, "Twenty-Three Photography," holds a deeply personal significance. It is a tribute to my father, a remarkable man who left an indelible mark on my life. While working on a scrapbook of his life after his passing, I realized that there were very few pictures of us together when I was an older child and adult. This realization filled me with sadness, and it spurred me to make a difference.

I knew that when I started my own family, I wanted it to be different. I wanted to ensure that no one else experienced the regret of not having enough cherished photographs with their loved ones. This is what drives my passion for photography—to help others document their lives and preserve precious moments with the people they hold dear.

My father's birthday, February 3rd (2/3), and the number 23 on his high school football jersey held special significance to our family. He was my biggest supporter, always encouraging and backing me. His ability to connect with people, even during the last 10 years of his life when he was blind, was inspiring. He touched the hearts of everyone he met.

This is why I chose the name "Twenty-Three Photography." It's a tribute to a man who shaped me, inspired me, and continues to drive my passion for connecting with others.

Behind the Lens: A Glimpse into My Life and My Passions

While my life's focus has been on capturing the beautiful moments of others, it's also enriched by the love and passions that define me. Allow me to share a little about the things that fill my heart and inspire me.

My Faith, My Family, My Love

At the core of my being is my love for Jesus, a guiding light in my life. His grace and teachings shape the way I view the world and the people I meet. I am eternally grateful for the strength and love that my faith provides. My husband, and our beautiful daughter are my greatest treasures. They are the ones who fill my days with love, laughter, and inspiration. They are my constant reminder of why preserving memories is so important.

Photography and Traveling: My Dual Passions

Photography and traveling are two sides of the same coin for me. When I'm not capturing moments behind the camera, I'm often exploring new places with the same sense of wonder and curiosity that initially drew me to photography. There's something truly magical about seeing the world through a viewfinder. It allows me to freeze time, preserve beauty, and share it with others. Traveling, on the other hand, feeds my soul with the diversity and grandeur of our world. It broadens my horizons and deepens my appreciation for the art of photography.

BUT enough about me. My photography journey is not just about me; it's about YOU. I'm eager to learn more about your story, your passions, and your moments waiting to be captured. Let's embark on this journey together and create memories that will last a lifetime. I'm here to capture your unique story, to freeze your cherished moments in time, and to celebrate the beauty of life.