I always had irregular cycles and was never diagnosed with anything until I was married and we were trying for a family. I was told at the age of 30 that I had PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and that was the reason for my fertility issues.
I was referred to a fertility specialist because I was allergic to the only medicine that my OB could give me. They ran a million tests, did ultrasounds and procedures to try to figure out the exact cause of everything.
We decided to move forward with IUI (intrauterine insemination) as it was significantly less expensive. I got pregnant on the first try but it didn’t make it past 7 weeks. We went to a different doctor and tried again. I had 2 failed attempts and chose to, once again, move to another doctor for help.
I got pregnant 4 times and lost each one (3 singles and a set of twins). I chose to take a break because it was taking a toll on me emotionally and physically. I became very depressed as there were so many people I worked with all getting pregnant and having no issues.
I had a coworker tell me about this doctor that a friend of hers used and had a successful pregnancy. I decided to try this doctor before giving up. We had another failed IUI attempt and had to take a month off before doing another medicated cycle due to the high dosage of meds I was on the previous month. I actually conceived during that month and was put on modified bed rest the entire pregnancy due to my history of losses.

I was nervous the entire pregnancy because of the 5 losses I had before this one. I had a cerclage done and was one a handful of pills daily in addition to giving myself a daily blood thinner injection.
My beautiful baby boy was born via c-section due to pre-eclampsia at 36 weeks.

I was always told it would be easier to conceive once I had a successful pregnancy, but this was not the case for me. I didn’t get pregnant again for 5 years. I lost that one as well, which hurt just as bad as the others, but was different because I had my son to take care of. My husband’s company actually had infertility benefits so we decided to try IVF while we had the coverage. I lost my latest pregnancy in August and began IVF that December. It is a very involved process and very hard on the body. We retrieved 26 eggs, had only 15 that fertilized successfully, and out of those, only 6 that made it to day 6 of growth. Those 6 were genetically tested and frozen until the results came back. I was shocked to learn that only 1 of them was genetically normal. It instantly flooded my brain with all of my angel babies and gave me the answer that I was always looking for. We proceeded to implant our only embryo, which we were told was a girl, one week before my 40th birthday. I was so nervous. Waiting for the blood test date and results to confirm pregnancy was the longest wait ever. It was a success!
I was still nervous due to my history. I continued with my pills and blood thinner injections and, once again, had pre-eclampsia and delivered my 2nd rainbow baby at 36 weeks. I was a rainbow baby and I now have my 2 rainbows.
I am very grateful for the chance to be mom to these to blessings because I know that pain of infertility all too well.
I do hope that my story brings some hope to others. Good luck and may you find your way through your storm to the rainbow on the other side.